Ion guiding equipment - Price : US$ 2.00



Ion Guiding Equipment adopts high-tech microelectronic guiding technolgy,can input nutritional componebts to stratum basale,increases energy of cell,quickens cell's movement and metabolism,lets skin refreshed, white andtender. If it is coordinated with corresponding products, its effect will be better.

How To Use

Clean skin  -  Start the press  -   Apply skincare products equally  -  Use Ion Guiding Equipment from the bottom up and from the inside out   -   Power off it after use.

Kindly Reminder

1. It is normal phenomenon if you feel micro power during the use.

2. Before & after the use, please clean the vibrator contact of Ion Guiding Equipment.

3. If you do not use it for a long time, please take out the battery and preserve the equipment properly


Trouble Removal

1. Problem : Indicator light is black when you turn on the switch?

Reason  : It is possible that there is no power in battery or you do not install battery.

Handling : Replace the Battery

2. Problem : Indicator light is black when you turn on the switch?

Reason  : The contact between shrapnel of battery cover and battery is not very                           good.

Handling : Reinstall Battery

3. Problem : There is no vibration when  it is switched on?

Reason  : Maybe the circuit board is broken.

Handling : PLease contact the supplier